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Showing posts from April, 2015

To bully or not to bully...

Bullying... It is strange that as an adult I'm thinking about bullying, and yet that's exactly what's occupying my brain. One would think that there would be a shelf-life on bullying, something that is an issue for children and youth but by the time you become an educated, well-adjusted adult, it would no longer be a problem But that doesn't appear to be true, sadly. I think the art of bullying becomes subtler in some ways, a little fancier, with bigger words and hidden agendas, but I believe that bullying is as prominent and damaging to adults as it is as children. Bullying is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker:” According to that definition I'm fairly sure that all of us have been bullied at some point in our lives. But here's the more shocking part, I also suspect we have all bullied people. I stare at that sentence and find it a little hard to swallow. I would love t

Maybe it's about the story...

I started writing something completely different this week but then this weekend happened and I feel compelled to share something else. I've alluded to these concepts before so most of this won't sound like original thought and yet I still feel like I need to write it down. I feel like so much has happened in just a few days. Nothing earth-shattering for me, but has had so much impact on me. Let me explain further... I find it very amusing that my blog is so serious all the time when in life I'm usually quite the opposite. Few people love to laugh as much as I do or love making other people laugh. If you know me in life, you know that it is quite dangerous to laugh at my jokes because it only encourages me. I truly blame my father and his whole family for this. I come from a long line of people with great senses of humour and amazing story-tellers. The stories, even when serious in nature, would always end up in laughter for some reason. Being able to tell a story we

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

I read something last weekend that has stuck with me: “Live life with intent, not out of habit.” The sentiment seemed so powerful to me .  So much of what I do in life really is out of habit and has so little to do with purposeful intent. I began to wonder what my life would look like if I started to live everyday with intention. Eat what I intend to eat and not what I just happen upon, exercise because I intend to and not find myself at the end of another day, unable to fit it in. Be kind to the people around me and not find myself snapping at an unsuspecting citizen on a day I should have come with a disclaimer, “approach at your own risk.” Actively loving myself and not self-doubting out of habit. I thought I might just try to give this concept a go. What an interesting experiment this would be... Two things happened today. The first one was a big one, a local legend lost his battle with cancer. Sab was, for anyone who lives in my neck of the world, a remarkable man, a li