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Showing posts from October, 2015

Like an Octopus to the Face

I am Attachment Barbie.  I really want to be GI Jane Barbie, but sadly I'm not.  I attach for life. It takes a long time for me to attach to someone but when I do, it's like an octopus to the face, I'm there until you manage to pry yourself free. It's not rock 'n roll to be Attachment Barbie. The GI Jane's have the monopoly on the cool factor. I envy those people. The people who legitimately let people go from their lives and are completely OK with it. They aren't putting on some false bravado that they are fine but they truly are cool with severing ties, recognizing that there are some people you just shouldn't or can't keep around forever. They feel the pain and disappointment but are comfortable walking away because, for whatever reason, it is the right thing for them to do. I also believe that the world is made up of Attachment Barbies and GI Jane Barbies. Some will be more extreme than others, but I suspect most of us can see ourselve