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Where are you Christmas?

I usually LOVE Christmas. I mean, really love it. My house always looks like Santa threw up in it and I’m annoyingly chipper and happy. I surprise people with presents, I visit old friends, I rejoice in the snow. Christmas lights make me smile and singing Christmas carols at the top of my lungs makes me feel free (though quite obnoxious to everyone else). This year feels so different and I’m not really sure why. I’m trying everything I can to “catch the spirit”. I am listening to the music and podcasts. I am shopping up a storm, making sure to find the perfect presents for everyone on my list. I’m watching countless stupid Hallmark movies where the one attractive female and one attractive male hate each other at the beginning of the movie but somehow fall madly in love on Christmas day and have a magical kiss as the snow falls… over and over again. I try not to throw up in my mouth, and then power through another one. I’m trying. But so far I’ve become more jaded than usual. I’m
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