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Showing posts from November, 2018

What the hell is FOMO anyway?

There’s no question that I’m getting “seasoned” and often I’m a little out of the loop with cool kids’ jargon. I pretended for months that I knew exactly what FOMO was… but eventually I sucked up my pride and googled it. Feelings of Missing Out. I snorted. How on Earth does anyone think this is a new concept? We weren’t clever enough to come up with “FOMO” back in the day when we didn’t make the cut for a birthday party or got B Listed for a wedding – but I can assure you, feelings of missing out is a   timeless concept. Social media and the World Wide Web ensures that we all have FOMO sometimes. Everyone is doing something cool. Scroll through the ‘Gram and you will definitely feel like that world is spinning along without you. For me, I will see pics of happy looking people doing happy kinds of activities and part of my brain smiles while the other part pouts like a 3 year old.   Good for so-and-so having all the fun… without sarcasm or cynicism of course. Just pure joy and hap